My point is, anything and everything can be found on Craigslist. Not the least of which are desperate people trying so hard to make a connection. Whether it's a guy looking for a threesome with a 12 toed tranny and a homunculus or someone who saw someone at the train station and never said hello. But it's the latter group that I enjoy lancing, because COME. THE FUCK. ON.
I do the underlining for emphasis. My commentary follows in red.
But I've said too much (or not enough). Let's delve into this world...
Larchmont Deli -- wed 1/9 - w4m
This will never work. But... why not :)
You were a tall, attractive fella in Larchmont Deli at the lunch today (wednesday).
I (girl in red shoes) should have told ya so.
You were a tall, attractive fella in Larchmont Deli at the lunch today (wednesday).
I (girl in red shoes) should have told ya so.
So first things first. This happens a lot and I will never cease to bag on it. People posting will write, right out of the gate, "This won't work". Of course it won't work, but you're already defeating the purpose of your post. If you're going to jump in, go head first. Don't write it off before you can be crushed by the massive failure. "...tall, attractive fella..." You just described me and half of the LA Clippers. But I think I've met this guy. He's the one who breaths air and sometimes wears clothes outside of the house. "girl in red shoes" Sweet, salty shit. He didn't notice your shoes.
Paco's Thursday night trivia - m4w - 48 (Arcadia)
You have 10 days ! Can I share some with you. ? I was on your right! You are a breath of fresh air!
"You have 10 days!" Man, this is either really sad or really ominous. Clock's ticking, bitch. Better head back to Paco's! "Can I share some with you. ?" Look, dude, the lady only has 10 days left, either because she's dying or you're going to kill her. Don't be hassling her for her days like they're french fries.
sexy ass young dude lookin for a older women - m4w - 22 (LA )
im young and just tryin to have fun i want a older women that i can have
fun with i was hopin for a women around 23-30 hit me up any time
I, uh...goddamn it. A couple of things. Thing 1) this isn't technically a missed connection. Thing 2) I didn't underline anything because it's ALL PURE GOLD. He's just trying to have fun with older women he can have fun with fun fun fun. And this brilliant, just astonishingly brilliant, 22 year old has put the range of "older women" at 23 - 30. Semantically, these women would be older than 22; HOWEVER, I think that's more the letter of the law and less the spirit of the law, you know? I certainly hope he was hit up and they had a magical 48 hours with that $300 he's brandishing.
Islands Restaurant Server with glasses - m4w - 28 (Glendale)
New Years day i was at islands in Glendale near the mall. I was eating
at the bar area with some friends and you were sitting at the corner of
the bar in your islands uniform eating. It looked like you were eating
before getting off your shift..This was around 4-6 p.m
You were the only worker i saw wearing GLASSES and you had brunette hair. I really hope that you or someone you know reads this so i can have a chance to say hi and let you know how beautiful you are.
You were the only worker i saw wearing GLASSES and you had brunette hair. I really hope that you or someone you know reads this so i can have a chance to say hi and let you know how beautiful you are.
I can be a real callous bastard from time to time, but when I read something like this, it really gets to me. I mean, how can you not feel, DEEPLY FEEL, for a guy who's just trying to get in touch with a girl and all he knows about her is WHAT SHE FUCKING LOOKS LIKE AND WHERE SHE FUCKING WORKS. She's the only one with glasses, so it should be pretty easy to suss that out. I think I have the solution for this guy: ritual suicide.
Come back next week (or sooner) when the fun continues!
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