Wednesday, January 30, 2013

The Legend of Fred Horn

Well look who came crawling back. Welcome!

I posted a missed connection blog on Monday and within it was a gem of a post by this man:

As I said in my post on Monday, there's no need to watch that entire NINE MINUTE LONG video. However, I'd be remiss if I didn't point out the shittiest faux sax playing at :46 (and throughout), the expectant looks at 1:40 and the incredible fist pumping at 2:30.

What's my point here? I have three main points here:

Point 1) The fact that this is a person that exists is in and of itself pretty amazing. I mean, think about all of the shit our universe went through to get to this exact point in human history and evolution and this is the by product. That's pretty amazing.

Point b) This guy is PROUD about the way he is. Warts and all. And trust me, 10 years banging porn stars who basically have blenders for vaginas, the guy has warts.

Point MOST IMPORTANT) Through my wiling away the hours looking at videos of this human paraquat, I made a discovery. This guy, this mother fucking sexy sax playing man, plays at the Oyster House which is directly across from where I live. When people enter and leave the restaurant I can hear the music in my apartment.  This means I've probably heard the dulcet tones that this walking petri dish was putting out. I've heard this guy blowing horn, man! Furthermore, I go to the Oyster House all the time which probably means I've seen or even spoken to this douche canoe. Leading me to the furthest point, which is only confirmed with each passing day:

The world is a small, weird, wonderful place that gets smaller and weirder everyday.
